custom trainings

REquest a Custom Training

For over four decades, the Center for Third World Organizing has been specializing in providing organizations with the tools needed to strengthen organizing and campaign strategy. We can work with your team to create custom training to meet your organization’s needs. The training can be one day or multiple days. We work with Community organizations as well as Foundations and their grantees.

Training offerings

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Community Action Trainings (CAT)


Our Community Action Training (CAT) is a multi-day day intro to organizing training designed for organizers, activists and community leaders. Participants are energized and challenged during the weekend training that encourages folks to use the time and space to build relationships as we deepen our work in this current political moment. Topics include outreach, campaign strategy, direct action, grassroots fundraising and history of organizing. CAT’s are year-round and occur across the country.

 It’s recommended participants attend all days to get the full benefits of the training. Registration is on a sliding scale from $25-$75, with scholarships available.

Click below for our upcoming in-person and virtual dates!

For scholarship opportunities, please email our Alumni Network and Program Coordinator at