Years Building MovemenT
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Organizers Trained a Year


Movement Activist Apprenticeship Program (MAAP)

MAAP is a pioneer national organizer training program for young activists of color in the skills needed to run campaigns that address deep rooted causes of racial injustice affecting people of color across the country.
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Organizing 101

Organizing 101 is a multi day intro to organizing training designed for organizers, activists and community leaders. Participants are energized and challenged during the weekend training that encourages folks to use the time and space to build relationships.
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Liberatory Leadership Praxis Project

The Liberatory Leadership Project is a partnership that aims to build programs that invite leaders to live out the compelling vision of collective liberation through the transformation of ourselves, our communities, and our institutions.
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Custom Training

Our Custom Training offerings are designed to support organizations and movements. We offer custom organizing training sessions, campaign consultation services, organizational technical assistance and much more.
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From Our Participants



We are a training and resource center that promotes and sustains direct action organizing in communities of color. To strengten this growing movement, we continue to partner with innovative local and regional groups to help facilitate their organizing capacity.

Who we are

The Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO) is a racial justice organization dedicated to building a social justice movement led by people of color. For nearly 40 years, CTWO has been at the forefront of training leaders of color to engage in social justice movements that are demanding and creating change for communities that sit at the margins. CTWO is a training organization, resource center, and an institutional pillar of community organizing in communities of color. At our core, we seek to make people fall in love with the movement and show up in the work with deep rigor and joy.

We believe that training those who sit at the margins and strengthening the capacity of organizations that prioritize communities of color will allow us the best opportunities to achieve our goal of building a strategic, culturally relevant and thriving movement. We envision a thriving movement that centers the voices of women, trans folks, queer folks, Black folks, immigrants, folks with disabilities and those formerly incarcerated. We see a movement that prioritizes collaboration and deep strategy. And lastly, we see a movement that sees resilience and joy as intricate parts of our movement.


CTWO envisions a movement where communities of color are leading the social justice fights that impact their daily lives.  We see a thriving movement that centers the voices of women, trans folks, queer folks and Black folks, immigrants, folks with disabilities and those formerly incarcerated. We see a movement that prioritizes collaboration and deep strategy. And lastly we see a movement that sees resilience and joy as intricate parts of our movement.


CTWO believes that in order to create a more just world that we know is possible, we have to develop leaders that know how to win real systemic change. We believe in creating a new pipeline of organizers that are equipped to organize using both the fundamentals of organizing as well as new, innovative and creative tactics and strategies. We believe that those historically marginalized should lead this fight.